Anonymous 08/04/2019 (Sun) 05:49:42 No.3487 del
at this stage of the divide and conqure (divide and rule) hegalian dialectic you have a rare reason to you. I applaud you for this measured response. This is a thing that you notice and continue to notice. You don't start screaming about triangles in public. You just understand what doesnt make sense. Like how there is this racism shaming scorning people for doing blackface. That is too deep but simple things like the urge to censor anything conspiritorial.. Here is the thing though. The deception is such that the media will not meet half way. They say comet ping pong they say fake news censorship occurs. Try and explain this as coincidence. Look into it. Its all true. And its so much worse. There is in fact a cabal that is both so powerful and so fragile to exposure that there is a resurgence of forced antisemitism. Forced divisive racial things. Force divides in politics. Forced issues order and chaos. They cause the problem (false flags) and they provide the solution (blanket censorship of hate speech for the forced antisemitism to paint chan culture as stormfront.) They fear you. They fear a man of reason understanding he is in a world that is controlled by a cabal that divides the populace to control them. They fear you so they make reddit and they corral people skeptics nice guys into a site to bash them over the head with nostalgia to gain their childlike trust then they implant psyops like the legitimization of atheism. Belive what you want but atheism is spiritual disarmement at least be agnostic. Not telling you specifically what to belive i am saying reddit and the culling of common guys of reason is one of the greatest injustices of all time. Not even saying you are a redditor you can use the spoiler. But i see people of simular mindsets of yours as reddit mentality. And the conjunction of that into a limited hangout reddit is an injustice. THe polorization of chan culture is way worse but with redditors Its not enough they are pussified beta males they make them shill milqtoste 3d printing nu shit and REDDIT MINDSET IS GOING TO GET US ALL INTO A NATIONAL DISCUSSION CONTROLLED BY REDDIT WHICH IS CONTROLLED. Disrupt reddit by being true skeptics.IT IS CONTROLLED. DARE TO QUESTION MY FRIEND. DARE TO WONDER. ITS OK.