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Tolkien Real General Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 11:27:01 [Preview] No. 4384
This thread is intended to give a centralized point of discussion to the many theories surrounding the historical basis of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. All viewpoints welcome, but please back claims with support as best as possible.

I will provide a reading list if requested, but until then I don't want to provide filler links.


Fuck off, and don't be a sheep. This has come up again and again, and all we need is a place to discuss it without gaps of Chans or threads.

With that being said, get comfy and get posting.

Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 15:39:05 [Preview] No.4385 del
OP is a dumb fucking nigger.

Here is a reading list:
>The Silmarillion
>Two Towers
>The Hobbit


Also look for assorted notes and interviews by the man himself.

Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 15:41:13 [Preview] No.4386 del
shut up

Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 17:04:54 [Preview] No.4387 del

Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 17:06:45 [Preview] No.4388 del
Lol mad incel

Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 20:58:55 [Preview] No.4389 del
(83.79 KB 388x400 JRRT_question_mark.jpg)
Hah. I wonder how anything like claim even alluding to LoTR and all being real could ever be supported or substantiated. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

First things first, some time ago I found this pic and I've made a connection between how J.R.R.T. logo/sigil, whatever you want to call it (looks like this 束 - coincidentally a chinese character for a bundle of sticks or a fasces). Not exactly sure what to make of it.

Next thing I'd like to mention is an idea I picked up from JayDreamerZ and that is his theory that vampires and elves are the same thing or point to the same type of entity.
Tolkien's elves are quite demigodly. They're immortal and very powerful, at least compared to elves in most other fantasy settings where they are just more magically attuned and perceptive humans that live longer. Maybe there is a connection to be made between Tolkien's elves and the tall whites or 'nordics' that are spoken about among UFO contactees. I think admiral Byrd also mentioned those in his diary describing his venture into the depths of the Earth. Considering that a possibility we get into the question of nephilim tribes (on a side note those elongated Paracas skulls bring to mind the helmets of elves in Warhammer and there's a shitton of references to occult in Warhammer). Here's where the connection between elves and vampires would come into play - deities the pagans worshipped tend to require very bloody sacrifices. Taking aside adrenochrome farming maybe there were some creatures that required blood for sustenance or somehow were able to harvest energy in some form out of it and those rituals were either set up by them or remained among the people as a traumatic remnant of life under them in the past.
That's a lot of maybes and stretches but I think there might be something to this.

Last thing is something I've heard Occultscience101 mention, namely that the two trees from The Silmarilion are pretty much what the two kaballistic pillars are meant to point to and that is some form of reality altering 'machinery' that got broken a long, long time ago, leaving us humans in the shitty, broken reality that isn't working as it is supposed to. I don't know what to think about that, it's something wildly outside of my spectrum of knowing I'm afraid but I like keeping snippets like that somewhere in the back of my mind in case I stumble across a piece of information that gives it more context or brings an interesting connection about.

I can't say anything about Tolkien's works talking about real history verbatim but they do have allusions to occult lore in them, that's for sure.

Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 21:02:23 [Preview] No.4390 del
(187.38 KB 388x400 JRRT_question_mark.png)
something went wrong, here's the picture

Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 21:06:31 [Preview] No.4391 del
>I've made a connection between how J.R.R.T. logo/sigil, whatever you want to call it
*I've made a connection between the symbol on the ring and J.R.R.T. logo/sigil, whatever you want to call it

Anonymous 04/28/2021 (Wed) 00:57:31 [Preview] No.4393 del
Oh shit it's actually a bot, holy kek.

Anonymous 04/28/2021 (Wed) 11:15:34 [Preview] No.4399 del
>Meds: Taken

>Tolkien: Still Real

Let's do this OP.

Anonymous 05/17/2021 (Mon) 11:00:07 [Preview] No.4419 del
This is hpw boards die.

I dunno OP, the lore does seem strangely well founded for being the first of its kind, hard to say.

Anonymous 06/07/2021 (Mon) 22:30:30 [Preview] No.4452 del
It is religious history blended into a world war history. The hobbits in the shire are stupid townsfolk that commit suicide and spy on everyone. The hobbits get sent into mordor which is murder. The dwarves and elves are wise while the men are ignorant yet valiant. Going against Sauron is folly.

Anonymous 06/07/2021 (Mon) 22:33:55 [Preview] No.4453 del
Vampire elves make some sense as Sauron was originally a higher older order of elves king of the werewolves which figures this werewolves trump vampires thing.

Anonymous 06/07/2021 (Mon) 22:35:31 [Preview] No.4454 del
The most ancient order was the wizards and Sauron.

Anonymous 07/18/2021 (Sun) 05:14:53 [Preview] No.4550 del
>This is hpw boards die.
And that's why moderation is important. They're fucking halfchan niggers.

Anonymous 07/18/2021 (Sun) 07:36:52 [Preview] No.4553 del
Tolkien built his world from what he knew (we can only do that), so noticing real world parallels is just natural. He copypasted patterns he thought would fit. How he applied them was largely influenced by his own bias, even unknowingly. He also cast moral judgement, expressing hate against those characters who dared to make up their own mind, who weren't servile.

Anonymous 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:18:26 [Preview] No.4554 del
In this world,
Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of god hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control
Even over his own will.

Anonymous 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:55:40 [Preview] No.4555 del
Or at least that's the official translation but now I think about it, it's steering the interpretation away from what was intended. It's not that man has no control over it but that man cannot be free with it. More accurate translation of last two lines would be this:
Even when it comes to one's own will
Man cannot do as he pleases/Man is not at liberty

I'm not familiar with the context as far as Tolkien's work but what you've written shows a larger misunderstanding. When you put it like that it's counter intuitive but if you reframe it and consider that being led by your ambitions or passions is not freedom then maybe the idea of servility for the right cause won't offend you anymore.

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