Anonymous Board owner 02/24/2021 (Wed) 23:21:40 Id: a3266b No.1001 del
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- misc:
- fixed 'unusual character' collapse logic for short text inputs in tag autocomplete lookups. in human, this means typing 'a' now correctly gives you the tag '/a/' and _vice versa_ (issue #799)
- to make this work, an old database subtag map cache is revived this week in a more efficient form. if you sync with the PTR, it will take a couple minutes to update. the regen routine is also added to the database->regen menu, in case it ever desynchronises in future
- absent an override referral url, api-linked url fetches now use the original url as referrer. previously they were sending no referrer. this fixes watching spicy boards on
- updated a 'get all this stuff' database routine to report more info, and a handful of supermassive jobs (mostly db maintenance regen) now report x/y progress with y, rather than just a nebulous increasing x
- fixed an odd bug in a common UI text-clearing call that was causing real text not to show up for a while after the clear. this was most apparent in the downloader highlight panels, where status text on file/gallery/network status could sometimes stay blank until a change
- the manage tags dialog's "there are several things you can do" button box when you enter tags in complicated situations is now clearer. there are several sorts of intro text on the dialog, the button labels are clearer, and button tooltips have more action information
- fixed the tumblr downloader! sorry for the trouble here, I hadn't realised the situation from some reports. if you have tumblr subs, please go into them and set to 'try again' any recent urls that say 'Found 0 new URLs.'
- .
- taglists:
- you can now right-click any edit/write taglist (like those across the manage tags dialog) and choose to hide/show the implied parents that now hang underneath tags
- you can set whether this defaults to hide or show, separately for the regular taglists and the autocomplete results dropdown, under options->tags
- the taglist now sorts lexicographically using sibling tag data where available. I had expected to make options here to use storage or ideal tag, but once I tried it out, using the ideal all the time felt proper to me, so let's see how it goes
- fixed the routine that removes mutually exclusive predicates (e.g. system:inbox/archive) when adding to the active search predicates taglist. this fixes the 'exclude xxx from search' menu action and other add/swap actions (issue #815)
- gave the taglist right-click menu another quick pass. since there are all sorts of actions that may or not appear, and menu items can get pretty wide with tag text, I am trying out an intentionally short and thin top-level menu of 'verbs' that is quick to navigate with your mouse, and then tuck longer and taller stuff in secondary menus