Anonymous Board owner 03/03/2021 (Wed) 23:20:20 Id: 8ea1ca No.1010 del
- the manage parser test panel now catches all network errors. error data back from the server is presented better, and the traceback is now viewable in a special new button on the network job control
- the edit shortcut set dialog now gives a veto text popup if you try to ok with a shortcut set twice (previously, it would ok and merge down to one command randomly). support for multiple commands per shortcut will come in future
- entering alt+number in the shortcut entry dialog on windows will no longer spam some errors about 'null character'
- fixed a 'this object is too huge' check in the database, which mostly affects gui sessions with millions of objects, to check against 1 billion bytes max size rather than 1GB, as here (issue #816)
- fixed the parser, which was pulling hash incorrectly. it should now save more bandwidth
- updated the e621 parser to pull their (new?) 'lore' tags, which all end in _(lore) and refer to canonical gender and some spice. they come with the 'lore' namespace for now, we'll see how it works out. a user reports these are useful for blacklists
- .
- new string processing sort step (for advanced users):
- string processing objects have a new processing step: String Sorter
- this sorter can sort the whole list of strings, either strict lexicographic or 'human sort' that does numbers properly, asc/desc
- it can also take a regex for the sort 'key', so you can sample just the number or name you want for sort purposes
- content parsers no longer have the 'sort formulae results' controls. any content parser with existing sort has been converted so its string processing object has a String Sort step appended
- the string processing UI is still built around single string processing, so the test UI here is essentially non-functional, but you can see the sort happen in the formula test parse panel
- I will add a String Slicer in future to sample the list of strings, so you'll be able to grab the top item etc...
- .
- boring code cleanup:
- refactored the refresh call in filename tagging dialog to nicer Qt signals

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