Version 433 Anonymous Board owner 03/17/2021 (Wed) 22:34:52 Id: c0812f No.1029 del [Embed]

I had a good week doing simple cleanup and fixes. This is intended to be a 'clean' release. There will be no release for about three weeks.

all misc this week

Thanks to the work of a user (who was also very patient as I slowly added the features he needed), we now have a new native twitter downloader! It gets video now! (Including gif, which on twitter is just a small mp4!) It is called 'twitter syndication' and uses a new access method. Its main limitation seems to be that its search can only reach about 500 tweets into the past. Please check it out, and if it works well for you, please move your subscriptions over from nitter to save them some bandwidth. This is the first version, so it may well have future updates.

I have written a new 'scrollable' menu button, which works like the file sort selector--instead of a dropdown, you get a menu, and you can scroll through it in either direction with your mouse. I have converted several old small choice dropdowns to this new button: file sort ascending/descending, collect-by 'collect/leave unmatched', and all the new tag sort dropdowns I added last week. Try putting your mouse over and scrolling them! This is a little thing, but I hope it smooths out the workflow here. I'll likely use it on more things.

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