Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2021 (Wed) 22:17:16 Id: 036f18 No.1066 del
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- tiled image renderer improvements:
- I believe I fixed the 'non c-contiguous' crash issue with the new tile renderer. I had encountered this while developing, but it was still happening in rare situations--I _think_ in an unlucky edge case where a zoomed tile had the same resolution as the full image rotated by ninety degrees! there is now an additional catch for this situation, as well, to catch any future logical holes.
- fixed a bug in the new renderer when copying an image to clipboard
- I greatly mitigated the tiling artifacts with two changes:
- - zoomed in tiles are now resized with a padding area of up to 4 pixels, with the actual tile cropped afterwards, which allows bilinear and lancsoz interpolation to get accurate neighbour data and have gradient math line up with neighbouring tiles more accurately
- - on resize and zoom, media canvases now dynamically change tile size to 'neater' float/integer conversion dimensions to reduce sub-pixel panning alignment artifacts (e.g. if your zoom is 300%, the tile is now going to have a dimension that is a multiple of 3)
- I hacked in a 'rescue offscreen media' calculation after any zoom event. now, if the window is completely out of view after a zoom, it'll snap to the nearest borders, lining against them or overlapping into a buffer zone depending on the zoom. let me know what you think!
- I fixed a PyQt5 specific object tracking bug, I think the new renderer now works ok for PyQt5!
- cleaned up some ugly code in the resize section that may have been resulting in incorrect interpolation algorithm choice in some situations
- fixed a divide by zero issue when zooming out tiny images hugely (e.g. 32x32 at 1%)
- media windows now try to have at least 1x1 size, just to catch some other weird error situations
- similarly, tile and native sample sizes will have a minimum of size 1x1, which should fix issues during a delayed startup (issue #872)
- cleaned up some misc media viewer and tile renderer code
- .
- the rest:

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