Version 445 Anonymous Board owner 06/30/2021 (Wed) 22:38:46 Id: a5f35a No.1094 del [Embed]

I had a great week mostly working on optimisations and cleanup. A big busy client running a lot of importers should be a little snappier today.


Several users have had bad UI hangs recently, sometimes for several seconds. It is correlated with running many downloaders at once, so with their help I gathered some profiles of what was going on and trimmed and rearranged some of the ways downloaders and file imports work this week. There is now less stress on the database when lots of things are going on at once, and all the code here is a little more sensible for future improvements. I do not think I have fixed the hangs, but they may be less bad overall, or the hang may have been pushed to a specific trigger like file loads or similar.

So there is still more to do. The main problem I believe is that I designed the latest version of the downloader engine before we even had multiple downloaders per page. An assumed max of about twenty download queues is baked into the system, whereas many users may have a hundred or more sitting around, sometimes finished/paused, but in the current system each still taking up a little overhead CPU on certain update calls. A complete overhaul of this system is long overdue but will be a large job, so I'm going to focus on chipping away at the worst offenders in the meantime.

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