Anonymous Board owner 07/07/2021 (Wed) 21:26:54 Id: 76b34f No.1100 del
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- misc:
- fixed a typo bug in the latest pending upload routine when it was cancelled/errors out early
- fixed a problem with the new subscription gap downloader, where when the page opens with the first query, it could sometimes assign 'already in db' to items in that query that were actually 'successful'. some other downloaders may have been rarely hit by this, but it was mostly the gap downloader
- the client _should_ now support a service host that has path components (e.g. one hosted on a proxy), like the port will now be correctly inserted in the address before all requests. hydrus and ipfs both should work, fingers crossed
- when an admin modifies the account types, the server now only prints the 'updated account type' log record if there were actual changes
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- downloader UI:
- the confusingly named 'file import status' and 'gallery search log' in the downloader system are now renamed 'file log'/'search log'/'check log' for the file import queue, gallery downloader, and watcher respectively. the 'table' bitmap buttons are also replaced with simple easy (and easy to refer to!) label buttons.
- when you open the file/search/check logs from the downloader page list right-click menu, they now spawn properly inside regular windows, not modal dialogs (which were inhibiting interaction with the rest of the program while open)
- relabelled the awkward 'even if url/hash recognised' checkboxes in file import options. 'do not skip if' becomes 'force download even if', and the text matches that in tag import options for page content. also improved the tooltip on these checkboxes
- all of the downloader layout boxes have also been renamed and harmonised with each other. gone are overly technical 'import queue' and 'gallery parsing'. now it is generally 'imports' up top and 'search' or 'checker' etc... below
- layouts have also been harmonised a little. the url downloader page now has boxes for file vs search URLs, the hard drive import pause button is moved up as other pages have, and several off-by-a-pixel sizer layouts have been fixed
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- null account:
- to further improve server privacy, particularly after the PTR's multiple account switch, all repositories now forget which accounts uploaded which content after a certain age. by default it is 90 days, but you can check in _review services_ once a server updates. this defends against a variety of hypothetical attacks where someone very clever gains access to the raw server database files, maybe years from now, and tries to crawl its anonymous account history for derivable information--now there is no history!

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