Anonymous Board owner 11/24/2021 (Wed) 22:54:31 Id: f27ebb No.1176 del
- boring presentation import options stuff:
- presentation options are now in their own object and will be easier to update in future
- the 'should I present' code is radically cleaned up and refactored to a single central object
- presentation filtering in general has more sophisticated logic and is faster when used on a list (e.g. when you highlight a decent sized downloader and it has to figure out which thumbs to show). it is now careful about only checking for inbox status on outstanding files
- presentation now always checks file domain, whereas before this was ad-hoc and scattered around (and in some buggy cases lead to long-deleted files appearing in import views)
- added a full suite of unit tests to ensure the presentation import options object is making the right decisions and filtering efficiently at each stage
- .
- boring multiple local file services work:
- I basically moved a bunch of file search code from 1 file services to n file services:
- the file storage module can now filter file ids to a complex location search context
- namespace:anything searches of various sorts now use complex location search contexts
- wildcard tag searches now use complex location search contexts
- counted tag searches now use complex location search contexts
- search code that uses complex location search contexts now cross-references its file results in all cases
- I now have a great plan to add deleted files search and keep it working quick. this will be the next step, and then I can do efficient complex-location regular tag search and hopefully just switch over the autocomplete control to allow deleted files search

next week

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