Anonymous Board owner 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:04:59 Id: 634b8f No.1245 del
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- domain modified times
- the downloader now saves the 'source time' (or, if none was parsed, 'creation time') for each file import object to the database when a file import is completed. separate timestamps are tracked for every domain you download from, and a file's number can update to an earlier time if a new one comes in for that domain
- I overhauled how hydrus stores timestamps in each media object and added these domain timestamps to it. now, when you see 'modified time', it is the minimum of the file modified time and all recorded domain modified times. this aggregated modfified time works for sort in UI and when sorting before applying system:limit, and it also works for system:modified time search. the search may be slow in some situations--let me know
- I also added the very recent 'archived' timestamps into this new object and added sort for archived time too. 'archived 3 minutes ago' style text will appear in thumbnail right-click menus and the media viewer top status text
- in future, I will add search for archive time; more display, search, and sort for modified time (for specific domains); and also figure out a dialog so you can manually edit these timestamps in case of problems
- I also expect to write an optional 'fill in dummy data' routine for the archived timestamps for files archived before I started tracking these timestamps. something like 'for all archived files, put in an archive time 20% between import time and now', but maybe there is a better way of doing it, let me know if you have any ideas. we'll only get one shot at this, so maybe we can do a better estimate with closer analysis
- in the longer future, I expect import/export support for this data and maintenance routines to retroactively populate the domain data based on hitting up known urls again, so all us long-time users can backfill in nicer post times for all our downloaded files
- .
- searching tags on client api:
- a user has helped me out by writing autocomplete tag search for the client api, under /add_tags/search_tags. I normally do not accept pull requests like this, but the guy did a great job and I have not been able to fit this in myself despite wanting it a lot
- I added some bells and whistles--py 3.8 support, tag sorting, filtering results according to any api permissions, and some unit tests
- at the moment, it searches the 'storage' domain that you see in a manage tags dialog, i.e. without siblings collapsed. I can and will expand it to support more options in future. please give it a go and let me know what you think
- client api version is now 26
- .
- misc

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