Anonymous Board owner 07/13/2022 (Wed) 22:25:18 Id: 1973fd No.1317 del
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- system predicates:
- the advanced OR input, where you can type tags in complicated logical expressions, now supports system predicates! most system predicates are supported using their typical display strings. it uses the same engine as the client api, so check the examples here sorry for the delay here
- the advanced input also runs tags better through the hydrus tag 'cleaning' process, so things like whitespace between the namespace colon and the subtag are cleaned up correctly, and invalid tags should be excluded
- it also starts with the keyboard focus in the text input
- and I think I fixed an issue with '!'', 'not', or '-' negation prefixes not parsing
- highlighted the example parseable system predicate texts in the Client API help, and added 'last viewed' to it
- .
- misc:
- altering your services in _manage services_ no longer causes a full page refresh for all currently open search pages
- in a related thing, if you click the file or tag domain of a file search page to be the same as it just was, you no longer get a page refresh
- the rating widgets now show their current rating value on their tooltips
- when setting a numerical rating by a drag, it no longer matters if your mouse strays above or below the widget--it will still set
- the String Processing system has a new 'String Tag Filter' processing step. this applies the normal tag filtering object to your list of strings and also performs the hydrus 'tag cleaning' process on them, making them all lowercase and trimming whitespace and so on
- the sibling/parent sync is now even more polite when told to do work in 'normal' time. this has been hitting a lot of new users really hard, so it should now really trickle work during normal time, throttling down when it hits a bump to avoid stunlocking you but also responding quickly to recent changes if you are fully synced
- the database repair code is now better at healing damaged fast-text-search (FTS) tables. previously, in cases of partial damage to the virtual table, the repair code would error out

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