Anonymous Board owner 07/13/2022 (Wed) 22:25:50 Id: 1973fd No.1318 del
- new import/export framework:
- started a new modular metadata import/export pipeline. this thing starts out today by doing the work of newline-separated tags in a .txt sidecar file and will expand to do all sorts of metadata in other formats like JSON and XML. it will also, eventually, support arbitrary cross-type conversions like tags to urls or ratings to tags
- export folders now support '.txt' sidecar tag exporting!
- the '.txt' sidecar tag importing in import folders or manual imports is now handled by the new pipeline
- the '.txt' sidecar exporting in the manual export dialog is now handled by the new pipeline
- please expect the UI around '.txt' sidecar importing and exporting to change significantly in future. you'll be selecting different metadata types to import or export, make string processing steps to alter or filter what you get, and of course be able to compile it all into more complicated filetypes
- .
- cleanup and refactoring:
- mr bones gets two new columns to line up the numbers better
- a bunch of export code got moved around. created a new module 'exporting', and moved to it, renaming to
- removed an old prototype for sidecar exporting and related plans for UI
- the 'missing file folders on boot' dialog now points users to 'help my media files are broke.txt'
- brushed up the 'help my x is broke.txt' documents in the database directory a little
- fixed some surplus double backslashes in the help
- a secret tiny label change/fix, let's see if anyone notices
- cleaned up how the rating widgets manage and update rating state. it was ancient bad code
- updated how different rating values are converted to UI text

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