Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 07:40 Id: 15bd0d No.1578 del
That will be good to have. In the meantime, is it possible to use the same db for both a client and server?
e.g. The client is all set up, I shutdown the client, point a server to the same db folder. Would this cause any problems, especially if I then stopped using the server and booted the client?
If it matters, it's dockerized, I'll probably just make a backup to play with, but I wondered if it's expected for the two to play nice with the underlying database.

Also really like what you're doing with the system predicates.
If this is already possible let me know, but I'd like a way to set custom shorthand for specific system predicates... like system:landscape for system:ratio=landscape, for instance, or something even shorter - it didn't seem like siblings work for system predicates (technically they're not tags anyways, so that part makes sense to me)