Anonymous Board owner 01/10/2024 (Wed) 18:59 Id: e4bac8 No.1581 del
>How do you accomplish this without a complex export/import process between the clients?
Unfortunately, there isn't a good way right now. I plan to, over the next year or two, buff up the Client API and add a way for clients to browse each other. You'll be able to load up another client's file services in the normal search and it'll all just happen over the Client API instead. Once that tech works, I'll be recommending people have a master client that does all the subscriptions and stuff, and then other computers can dial into that one and read its content live.

Although it sucks to say, I know some users who simply set up VPN situations to browse their master client from another machine or tablet.

If you have a relatively slender client, let's say less than 50GB total 'db' directory, another option is simply to have a master client and then FreeFileSync its whole install dir to your other computers once a week, simply cloning it.