Anonymous Board owner 01/27/2021 (Wed) 23:15:23 Id: 031065 No.954 del
- autocomplete shortcuts:
- there is a new shortcut set under _file->shortcuts_ just for tag autocomplete shortcuts. any 'switch searching immediately' shortcut previously on 'main gui' will be migrated over
- the tag autocomplete input text box is now plugged into the new shortcut system and uses this set
- migrated previously hardcoded autocomplete shortcuts to the shortcut system (defaults):
- - force search now, for when you have automatic searching turned off (ctrl+space)
- - enable IME-friendly mode (insert)
- - if input empty, move left/right a tab (left/right arrow)
- - if input empty, move left/right a service page (up/down arrow)
- - if input empty and on media viewer, move to previous/next media (page up/down)
- misc improvements to my shortcut handler
- misc shortcut code cleanup
- .
- the rest:
- I fixed a bad example url in the new gelbooru file page parser that was sometimes leading to a link to the gallery url class. this was an artifact of an old experiment with md5-search parsing, now fixed with newer redirection tech. the updated parser is folded into update, and if you ended up with the incorrect link, it should be detected, dissolved, and re-linked with the file page parser
- thanks to a user report, wrote a new url class for 420chan's newer thread url format
- sorting a gallery downloader or thread watcher multi-column list by 'status' should now group 'done' and 'paused' items separately
- fixed a bug in the /add_tags/add_tags Client API call when checking some petitioned tags data types. cleaned all that code, it was ugly (issue #788)

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