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Version 433 Anonymous Board owner 03/17/2021 (Wed) 22:34:52 Id: c0812f [Preview] No. 1029
https://youtube.com/watch?v=twOFs6zJq8Q [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week doing simple cleanup and fixes. This is intended to be a 'clean' release. There will be no release for about three weeks.

all misc this week

Thanks to the work of a user (who was also very patient as I slowly added the features he needed), we now have a new native twitter downloader! It gets video now! (Including gif, which on twitter is just a small mp4!) It is called 'twitter syndication' and uses a new access method. Its main limitation seems to be that its search can only reach about 500 tweets into the past. Please check it out, and if it works well for you, please move your subscriptions over from nitter to save them some bandwidth. This is the first version, so it may well have future updates.

I have written a new 'scrollable' menu button, which works like the file sort selector--instead of a dropdown, you get a menu, and you can scroll through it in either direction with your mouse. I have converted several old small choice dropdowns to this new button: file sort ascending/descending, collect-by 'collect/leave unmatched', and all the new tag sort dropdowns I added last week. Try putting your mouse over and scrolling them! This is a little thing, but I hope it smooths out the workflow here. I'll likely use it on more things.

Some more mouse changes: Middle-clicking on the collect-by dropdown now clears it. Middle-clicking or right-clicking the 'page tab bar' to open the 'new page' chooser or the page right-click menu should now only work on the tab bar's empty greyspace (previously, this was confusingly happening on a click on greyspace in any child panel, like some random downloader page panel).

Namespace file sort (the 'series-creator-title...' stuff) now support a-z/z-a ordering. Files that have no match are still counted as 'less than a' in a-z terms, but I can change this stuff easier these days. I don't use this myself much, so if you do, let me know what you'd like in future.

Network job controls (the little panel that shows your downloads) now let you edit their active job's bandwidth rules from the cog menu! It will show all the network contexts and which are currently waiting on bandwidth. If the job is using the 'default' rules, it will say so and allow you to set specific ones just for that domain.

Anonymous Board owner 03/17/2021 (Wed) 22:35:09 Id: c0812f [Preview] No.1030 del
full list

- misc:
- thanks to the effort of a user, this week reintroduces a native twitter downloader! it now gets video! (and 'gifs', which on twitter are just mp4s) please experiment with it and move your nitter subs back to this as you find success. it is called 'twitter syndication' and uses a different access method to get tweet info. it should get the highest resolution videos and images. the search has limited lookup distance, perhaps 500 tweets, but should work for most subscription purposes. this is a first version and may have future updates
- on the main gui, middle-clicking and left-double-clicking to open the 'new page' dialog, and right-clicking to open the page menu, should now only work on the page tabs or page greyspace. middle-clicking on some random downloader page greyspace should no longer spawn these commands. also, tiny change--middle-clicking now activates here on click _release_ rather than _press_
- on the file sort widget, the asc/desc sort dropdown is now a 'scrollable' menu button. since sorts are just one of two values, you can now scroll either direction to flip it
- the 'collect/leave unmatched' in the collect control is also now a scrollable menu button
- the new tag sort dropdowns are now all scrollable menu buttons. go ham with them
- middle-clicking the collect-by dropdown now clears it
- namespace file sort now supports a-z and z-a sorting. files with none of the matching namespaces still count as 'less than a' in a-z terms, but since I am updating all this code, perhaps this could get more attention. I don't use this much, so if you do, let me know what you would like
- network job controls now show their jobs' current bandwidth limits on their cog menu, split up by network context. you can edit the bandwidth rules directly from this menu, and if it is using defaults, set a specific ruleset
- userpath generation routines used for database location fallback and default export directory determination now recover from failure in the case of undefined user directory. the client will now not boot if the userpath is needed but undefined
- the client api no longer prints empty lists for any tag statuses on file metadata calls, nor service entries that have no tags at all
- fixed the new subscription 'caught up to small initial sync' calculation, which last week was only firing properly after one page of results
- subscriptions are now better about saving interesting status notes on their gallery logs, rather than overwriting with boring 'no new urls found' messages
- fixed a typo bug in the new range header implementation for unended ranges
- .
- boring cleanup:
- refactored ClientGUICommon and ClientGUIControls to a new 'widgets' module
- refactored the menu buttons from ClientGUICommon to a new ClientGUIMenuButtons
- wrote a mixin for the basic menu button behaviour and simplified the classes
- wrote a new 'choice' menu button that has a dropdown checkbox menu and allows mouse scrolling to navigate the list, with wrapping at boundaries
- refactored the updated network job control to its own file ClientGUINetworkJobControl
- misc db code cleanup and refactoring
- misc tag logic cleanup

next week

I have had trouble fitting in the 'network updates' I have been meaning to do in Q1. These are mostly admin-side updates to server control, brushing up ugly janitor UI and fixing permissions and account management that hasn't been touched in years. I am going to take a few weeks to focus on just this work so I can move on to multiple local file services for Q2. I am expecting to take three weeks. 434 should therefore be on April 7th. I'll make progress updates on tuesdays as normal in case the schedule changes.

Anonymous 03/19/2021 (Fri) 08:08:39 Id: 70edb1 [Preview] No.1032 del
God bless you Hydrusdev

Progress Update 1 Anonymous Board owner 03/24/2021 (Wed) 02:48:14 Id: 2a160e [Preview] No.1037 del
I had a good week getting started on the network updates. I cleaned out ancient code and improved some admin-side workflow. There is plenty more to do.

The release is still expected to be another two weeks, for April 7th.

Thanks m8, keep pushing.

Progress Update 2 Anonymous Board owner 03/31/2021 (Wed) 03:32:00 Id: 83acae [Preview] No.1040 del
I had another good week grinding on the network code. I fixed and cleaned old admin functions and started on future extensions for these systems. The main tasks remaining are improvements to the janitor petition processing UI and new features for core repository storage like a tag filter and dynamic update times.

Unless I really fall into a hole, the release is still expected for next week, for April 7th.

Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 04/07/2021 (Wed) 05:37:28 Id: 8eccc7 [Preview] No.1041 del
I had a great three weeks working on network functions and serverside admin controls I had neglected. The old account management controls are working again with many improvements, account types can now be set up as user-creatable straight from the client (no need for registration keys!), and much of the code is cleaner and handles errors better. In the rewrites, I also laid the groundwork for custom update periods, serverside tag filtering, and faster petition processing, which I hope to get done in the coming weeks.

Regular users who do not admin a server do not have so many changes, although I have fixed bugs and added more controls to repositories, so you can now pause account sync, update downloading, and update processing separately, and I fixed a logical problem with processing that was sticking some users with deleted siblings.

The 'network version' goes up tomorrow, and the PTR should be updating, so if you sync with the PTR, you will want to update some time to keep talking to it! There's no rush, but you'll get a little error popup if you try to talk to an updated server on an older client.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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