/hydrus/ - Hydrus Network

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e621 downloader doesn't grab "lore" tags Anonymous 02/18/2021 (Thu) 19:17:26 Id: b8a243 [Preview] No. 984
they added a new "lore" tag section, for tags that are all on my blacklist. incest, tranny, """"""nonbinary"""""", etc.

since they're apparently separate from the other tags, my blacklist on hydrus isn't catching them.

this is a bug report, i guess. i can't use github bc they don't accept cock.li emails, can't use discord bc they require a phone number. hope you see this

OP 02/18/2021 (Thu) 19:19:27 Id: b8a243 [Preview] No.985 del
i'm on the latest version

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