मित्र 09/07/2023 (Thu) 03:23 Id: c1f7ab No.514 del
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>I like you. You always come back.
There's a difference between being there, and BEING there though. I'm just there. You're just talking to yourself.
>Noone says that or does that.
Well, guess why they're unhappy?
>Whats that
Being stuck in the middle and things going nowhere. I don't know if it's because of me or because I find myself hanging around people who I don't have much similar things to do or share similar interests with, so there's actually nothing much to talk about with them.
>Idk what has that to do with dead felines but yes,rash decision making is pretty bad.
Misquoted. 3 signs video.
>Whxih one
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wVL0S37Hd-Q [Embed]
The one where that song came from.
>I will accept everyhting there is to offer except p*op of course.