मित्र 09/07/2023 (Thu) 04:14 Id: 2a0697 No.525 del
>Who told you that?
Idk I got that feel. Also it's would boring..
>I like reading about other people and breaking open their minds and calling them narcissists and psychopaths
.. Boring becuase you know everything about me like I am full fuzzy love,empathy and care for every creature thst exists <3
>Those are personal thoughts!
But you talked about deepest emotions!
>Well, who are you?
I am your friend. Am I n-not?
>Also, how the fuck do you get stuck in the first question?
I lack third person perspective
>B or E
Really? I doubt that.
>Well, guess what. I am a schizo
I didn't mean it liek that! People aren't tastes! They are poeple! Also I generalised a little becaused I speed played the game and didn't explore other clans after one run.