मित्र 09/09/2023 (Sat) 07:27 Id: 2a0697 No.748 del
>Idk what to do now.
Have you tried antacids? They come with kidney disease risk with regular use though.
>don't think endchan is tolerant of ethics of pedophilia debate
Good thing I was tlaking about mentall impaired and I want less sex in this world because I am incel so I hope they revoke the legality of it on similar line of thought.
>Their aim is to leech off of you and they capitalize on your fears and worries
Yeah soemtimes I get nightmares about people on youtube having different(bad) opinion on japanese cartoons. I wake up in cold sweat. Have you seen this man pic related?
>Is podcast even a thing these days
Is just some dude talking to each other podcasts? Because if that is then that's what I was tlaking about and it's eveyrhwere.
>tear it off