Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 04:00:25 No.184 del
It comes across as an admittance of defeat when you make posts like that. Financially I'm actually doing quite well because of the virus anyway.

Anyway, you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Look at what it is the police do, their role in society, what they have to deal with on a daily basis and such like and then also like anything you have to realise that in the same way that if a black man robs a store you can't say that it's because he is black that he did this and therefore all blacks are evil and all blacks must be killed you must think that just because an officer does something it's not a reflection on every officer or the very idea of a police force as a whole. This is the problem that many have, they look at things in an incredibly black and white manner and ignore any of the nuances involved, even with a case like this where the manner of his death has become quite publicly available as has the life he lived and the man he was, yet people still cannot bring themselves to take a step back and think that maybe they should not be burning down shops because a lowlife died of drug induced complications while being restrained, everything is a black and white Black vs White police are evil and blacks can't do wrong affair to them.