Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 18:03:32 No.215 del
>I meant that humans' use of tools and knowledge is fundamentally different because of the extent we go too. All the crops we grow, livestock we raise, & pets we befriend are tamed and have been genetic modified through generations of selected breeding, their wild ancestors bare little resemblance to their current form.
I was just pointing out that other animals can manipulate nature to their whims and that it's not exclusive to humans. Since other animals do in fact change their environment to fit their needs. In fact an argument could be made that literally every animal does that.
I also agree that humanity supercedes nature but that doesn't mean I think that everything about nature is suddenly wrong.
>Males in those societies are degenerate bums who do nothing of importance
That's actually false they protect the home and make children with the females. Obviously human society is different in that we work and provide for the family and the women raise up the children.

>Good and bad are just human constructs.
If it's degenerate it's wrong. no exceptions.

>Why is there such a value held on virginity? If virginity were to be the most important aspect of a woman then that were disqualify MILFs who are some of the finest specimens. MILFs have experience so if you can properly pleasure one you know you have some level of skill instead with if a virgin with who has no frame of reference.
Virginity is valued because it shows that the women is more pure and is more or less your women. Think of it this way. Would you really consider a women that's slept with 3 other men to be your women. Virgins are good in that regard because the love will specifically between the two partners and less chances of cheating occurring. I think the fact that virginity is scorned in modern society is terrible because it shows moral degradation. Also eventually your virgin wife will turn into a MILF no? More specifically a MILF that has only had your seed. Also I think people would be more cautious around a women who's had more than one partner with the chances of her cheating probably being higher. I mean there's always the harem option. However taking care of multiple women would come with it's own complications.