Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 23:29:48 No.226 del
>Good and bad are just human constructs. Nature seeks convenience, if Darwinism is true.
Thanks should've added that.
>That's actually false they protect the home and make children with the females.
No it's isn't while male lions offer some security for the pride while the lionesses are gone it's mostly them protecting the pride from other male lions seeking to take control. Male ants are even worse since they exist only to have sex and don't last much longer after their job is done, a lot of communal insects are blatantly matriarchal.
>Obviously human society is different in that we work and provide for the family and the women raise up the children.
Then why bring it up in the first place?
>If it's degenerate it's wrong. no exceptions.
Like the other poster said good and bad are human constructs so we decide what they are and aren't, not nature. Degenerate is just another word for bad. One could say history is the change of human values throughout time.
>we would say that what the two gay lions are doing is unnatural because they are going against their inherent structure and design.
Again wouldn't modern human society by your definition be unnatural. We create medicine to heal illness, machines to do our jobs and in general live in a society that is counter to our design, like sitting for hours in a chair to do an office job which leads to back issues or staring at a book or scene straining our eyes resulting in a increase in nearsightedness.
>If you think roles can be done away without wrecking society then I would advise you to look at how society has degraded over last half century (skyrocketing divorce rates, suicide rates, single motherhood, etc).
I would say those aren't because of loosening gender roles. The rise in divorces were brought on by the advent of the no-fault divorce and actually lead to a decrease in suicide rates (at least in women). Suicide rates also face problems with data collection as in the past suicide was seen as an ugly thing which family would try to hide, even with that suicides are on the decline.
Though single motherhood is up teenage pregnancy has drop significantly. In the past a pregnant teenager would often be kept at home and out of sight or sent to a facility until the baby was born and either be put up for adoption or raised by the grandparents as their child with no one knowing the wiser.