Anonymous 06/19/2020 (Fri) 07:52:43 No.97 del
Yeah this seems like brave new world if anything. Everyone only cares about their own personal benefit and what is pleasurable. It's why people smoke despite the fact that their is a wealth of evidence concluding that it's horrible to you. Or how people eat/drink soy based products which is directly shown to lower testosterone. Tell them the truth and they call you a conspiracy theorist. I used to think I was insane, However I came to the realization that it was the majority that was insane, not me. The people that browse imageboards are probably the least insane people on the planet and that's probably because we can be ourselves on this place. A lot of people also don't seem to realize just how fundamental religion is to society at large. If you have a religion then already it's infinitely harder to conquer you because you'll always have hope of a brighter future. Atheists have damaged brains you notice that most of them are unhealthy looking and are willing to promote some of the most disgusting and vile shit. Also when I say atheists have damaged brains I mean
Someone mind archiving this please.
TL;DR is that shutting down the part of the brain responsible for pattern recognition can change belief in God and change views on immigration to make them more accepting of immigrants.