Japan Blackout + BNWO Globalized Fetish talk Misthype 03/22/2020 (Sun) 04:01:37 No.3 del
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Japan Blackout, one of the hottest IR cucking caption sets ever made!
This is a masterpiece everyone needs to check out. Discuss and goonpost away in the thread!
Try keep discussion focused to specific pages and themes of the caption set, including BNWO globalized fetish talk as the caption set implies.
Try to keep it more on IR cucking, betas, women and breeding than sissy and gay stuff.

Let's get some good discussion going as we all know this kind of fetish is of course very hot but has the problem of being a bit of a meme.

BNWO globalized fetishes tend to implode on the self-defeating nature of involving white genocide.
Since we're basically after an IR cucking utopia, let's see if there's a more sustainable approach to this globalized fetish!
Oh, and remember to keep things civil on the edgier themes!

So, considering BNWO in the light of the caption set, discuss the following along with goonposting over the set:

>What does it mean to be a beta whiteboi in the BNWO?
>Discuss IR cucking via family members and idols.
>How could you see society advancing to this point?
>Is there a way for a blackout to be sustainable? If not, is that so bad?

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