Mot 05/16/2024 (Thu) 03:44 Id: 2b06fa No.52644 del
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That's just a scam. They won't help.
Huh, color me impressed then.
Not without any measurements, but it sounds like your diet is the least of your worries for the most part. Avocado has a pretty high smoke point too so it's all for the better.
Maybe I can convince him to take shots of flaxseed oil. Despite being a seed oil, it's one of the better ones if it's done right.
Most likely since a lot of products can get away without listing something if the amount is insignificant. I have recently found out there can be additives in even 100% de agave tequilas that don't need to be listed. They can only make a max of 1%, but it's still enough to alter the flavor or hide something depending on the additive and they don't have to mention it.