Mot 05/16/2024 (Thu) 05:06 Id: 2b06fa No.52666 del
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I don't think it's making waves like IPA did, just some niche thing some companies might try. Those are the only two pickle gose beers I'm aware of. I know of another one, also local, except it's a sour.

Probably cause they "feed our families" or something like that. They probably know it's not all that good for you, but it's food at the end of the day.

Don't they usually find some excuse for why it was okay for them to do that?
Reminds me of that event in CP2077 where you can find gang members, think it's Valentinos, harassing some food merchant because his sister was hired by a corporation but he doesn't care because "they never have to worry about putting food on the table" or something like that.
But if you start with corpo or read through emails and shards, you'll find out they don't only fire you but take everything away in the blink of an eye.


Also a scam.
Was he making sure he was always clean enough to take plenty of dicks without douching?
It's probably mostly fine anyway.

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