Anonymous 05/20/2024 (Mon) 05:16 Id: ffca4b No.53325 del
Assuming it uses switches made by someone else, you most likely can; you'd just have to take the whole thing apart. They're mostly just drop in replacements but I've admittedly never had to do so.


Yeah, I didn't know what the defining thing you meant. All keyboards prior to the early 00s were the spring in a cylinder style actuator mechanical for the most part. (I have no idea what you actually call this so I'm just being descriptive.) You could still find those pretty easily at any "tech" store here until the 2010s as the default "gaming" keyboard and were just replaced by the Cherry style switches (those were actually patented back in the 80s but I really don't know enough about retro keyboards to know if anything actually common used them).