Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 11:19 Id: 15ffae No.53715 del
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Fffffffuck, she's cute.

Unironically- birb momma, Shenhe, and Yelan. So far I actually legit haven't seen a girl in here that's more stacked or bouncy than any HoYo toon.
So, there's some things in the gameplay so far that I like/don't like. Yes, the combat is a bit more nuanced than Genshit, like I really enjoy that it has Houkai's dodge system (something they tried to introduce to Genshin, and the players didn't like it) and I like the ripost on not just the Houkai style character swap, but also on just some attacks you can riposte in general like the ""boss"" battle so far. The finisher moves are also a lil fun. So I'll give it that, the combat is more fun than Genshin already, but if you've played Houkai, it feels borrowed again, with a lil' extra tacked on with the heavy riposte and finishers. Cool.
I don't mean that, I mean the fact that that text doesn't scroll down. it's cut off. It doesn't expand to meet the full dimensions of the screen, but it also doesn't actively scroll as it's displayed, so I miss half of what's being said. I'm not strong enough in the nipponese to catch it all verbally.