Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 11:44 Id: 18b116 No.53719 del
(450.70 KB 3072x4096 GNgk4ogawAAzXQH.jpg)
Everyone got the prereg stuff whether they preregged or not.
Only code right now as far as I can tell is WUTHERINGGIFT.

Go ask 'em! And give me their friend codes too?

When you have enough of the standard banner currency to roll. It seems like you'll get a lot of it at the start so not worth using not-primos when you can save them for elf mommy.
Y-you'd lick her armpits???

Pretty much yeah. The real life lore is more interesting than the in-game lore!
Yeah, hopefully they fix the text issue soon but we'll see.