Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 12:20 Id: 18b116 No.53728 del
(503.42 KB 3000x3809 GOVEQG7aQAARa29.jpg)
Ah, speaking of real life lore, the lore of their site seems pretty interesting too.

No, she is the next banner. Thats why I said SAVE for her. And trust me, you definitely will not want to roll for the current limited banner...


I think zoomers like those too.

Yeah, I zoned out at the start too, its just a lotta exposition dump, and then more exposition dump to explain the terms in the previous exposition dump.

I forget exactly when but you shouldn't be too far off.

I do wonder if you would like her original design more or not.
Yeah, the setting is one of the things I do really like about the game, the combination of far east fantasy with sci-fi post-apocalypse is pretty cool.

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