Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 12:34 Id: 15ffae No.53731 del
(979.35 KB 980x1300 118448666_p2.jpg)
FAT whore.
How so?

FFFFFFFFF- sure would be nice if I could even SEE the current limited banner.


Well they can't have bad taste all the time I guess.
"lmao amnesia" is one of the worst writing tropes ever. Give the character a back story, and stick with it, ffs.

Well what was the original?

It's really sad that it's such an untapped setting. Like when MiHoYo finally leaned into it it was great, because a lot of the far east themed areas are really, really pretty and fun. A very refreshing break from the 10,000th medieval German village.

Eh, I don't mind it being Earth in the not-future, it's whatever. Where do you want it to be?

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