Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 13:25 Id: 15ffae No.53746 del
(186.08 KB 360x443 1606285161905.png)
Radio code for lewd and lascivious acts.
*translators note: Radio codes actually differ between departments, there is no unified universal police radio 10-code for radio communication.


The Kung Fu monk girl.
I was tempted to double down on green Qiqi but I'm scared that she really is just green Qiqi in like every way, and I really will get screwed with the BIG HEALS meta.
Ironically, Qiqi is absolutely carrying me through an event in Genshin right now, I'm quite thankful I have a fully built out Qiqi.

Do no be surprised if I start spamming images of her.