Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 04:22 Id: 9c3fae No.54473 del
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My life is a constant trials of Job.
They were almost too good to waste in a salsa. Ate one fresh to test the spice levels and she seemed like that was weird.

Just ask her whenever. They're not even wilted stalks so I have a few days. Presumably something I can can with them.

What's that supposed to mean? Brown average IQ is below a SD low for whites. As a child, I got tested and would be MENSA if I wasn't consumed by cynicism.
Old lady is nice. I mow her yard and whatnot and tell her to not pay me because after doing that a few times, she just gave me a few dozen silver dollars from the 19th century and said her kids would just sell them. That was a few years back.