Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 07:33 Id: 6a0181 No.54757 del
(502.19 KB 1026x1080 GOSCybfakAEI87-.jpg)
I mean, I'm not watching that much each season anymore either, but feels like I haven't seen a new OP from them in a good while either, Seems like they were probably a fad that fell off.
I hope that happens to Yoasobi soon.
Yeah I started working on a new pic, I'll send it to ya when its finished. Ended up deciding the best method was to just do it on my bed laying down.
I know NIKKE is doing another bunny event, but what other games are? Wait, now that you mention it, I do remember seeing that PriConne is also doing something along those lines.
No idea why all at once, but after the buns saved BA every other game has realized such an event is a huge money maker.