Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 16:51 Id: ec5e6b No.58783 del
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>B-but voting gives me a say in the government
You are one in hundreds of millions, your say means nothing. And even if it did, it would never mean anything more than the fat stacks of cash from the lobbyists.
I dunno exactly when it started, but leading up to all the major elections happening this year, all of the mainstream media has started going on and on about the threat to "our democracy."
The funniest one was an article, I forget from which major propaganda rag, that said "In 2024 40% of the world will vote, that's a bad thing for democracy."

The reason that it was so boomer, was that on top of that, the only thing mama could think of for policies is "the economy". Thats all boomers care about, muh economy and muh democracy. If the only defense for a policy is "muh economy" it is probably a horrible policy for society as a whole. Just look at how that has been the main justification for mass immigration. Sometimes it would be better to just be poor, and most of these policies are only pushing that off economic collapse anyway, not stopping it. But hey, when that becomes a problem, the boomers will be dead, so who cares!

That is the irony of the big democracy defenders on the left. They only actually like democracy when its their guys who are winning.