Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 02:43 Id: b45e11 No.74355 del
(2.28 MB 1938x3384 123207810_p0.jpg)
Yeah yeah- also your recommendation for the train museum was actually a solid call. It's now in the lineup, before they close for the season again.

Look, I will not admit defeat, I just punish myself and eat the short stick I draw. Except now I have to remind myself that the person standing next to me is probably less amicable do doing that.
Do you though? Do you? I have a feeling that for some of them your "spot check" is what I do- "Oh man, boobs, added!"
>reset it out of spite
Oooh nooo! Don't do thaaaat! Not another excuse to ACTUALLY reset a password to include her in it...