Bernd 06/07/2018 (Thu) 16:55:01 No.17026 del
(106.31 KB 250x250 norman_vs_normal.png)
Tfw there's money for this bullshit.
First this trend that they call every fucking thing an AI when it's not an AI. Fucking pocket calculator is an AI now. Why not just baptise every algorithm AI? It would sound modern and advanced. Just look how Endchan's AI helps me visualize my thoughts to you.
Second programs don't have empathy. Psychopatism one sure component is the lack of compassion toward other people. By definition every program is a "psychopath".
Third if they make a database basically only of gruesome pictures then of course a program will only recognize this kind of stuff in every pattern they feed to it after that. Wow. Such a sensation.