Bernd 09/28/2018 (Fri) 13:00:48 No.19629 del
>Redbull me on Tor.
USA MIIIC-originated software supposedly to anonymize network data.There are a few theories about the true purpose of TOR after release outside us miiiiic circles. an interesting one is that usa wanted a method for segregating potentially "interesting" traffic from just regular internet kot and pr0n traffic, so they pushed this tor thing propagandizing it as the best countermeasure *against* prying eyes in order to get those interested in privacy to use it, the catch being that TOR is ineffective against a global adversarial observer, which of course the usa is, as snowden told us

>So it seems to me that it makes my traffic anonymous
depends on your anonymity requirements, iow on who your adversary is. More precisely it makes your traffic harder to follow and trace back to you

>by redirecting it through nodes (proxies)
correct, 3 nodes in standard configuration

>and applying https encryption.
not quite
tls (the encryption system used in https) is a standard with several versions and a large number of {en,de}cryption mechanisms (ciphersuites) the internode encryption in tor is related to that in tls but is singular, old, and significantly worse than the best tls can offer today

>But physically my traffic goes through whatever infrastructure Hungary has

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