Bernd 12/16/2018 (Sun) 20:47:56 No.21323 del
Name of the Rose is pretty good, Perlman with his "unique" features fits into very particular roles.
From the other three I heard about Kaspar Hauser but didn't see it, other two are unknown to me entirely. What made you enjoy those?

Funny article. It's a mystery to me what was the intention of the author. Was it a reply for a notion that someone should shoot a movie about Trianon? After I read it my first thought was: "why couldn't he write an article about making a Trianon themed movie without writing the whole thing about the Holocaust?" He could have just wrote simply what he did in the last paragraph: it's too complicated issue to make it understandable for anyone else except us. Punkt.
Maybe even it's too complicated for most of us, but frankly they could just grab a Wass Albert book and turn it into a film and that's it.