Bernd 12/27/2018 (Thu) 13:59:42 No.21647 del
>In winter just like the türco-mongols
The Mongol-Tatars attacked on horse 750 years ago. From the east. Onto a long disintegrated dozen of kingdoms, not some ubercentralized empire.
Not relevant.
Like, I get it that the horse cavalry doesn't care about mud or snow. Have fun horse charging tanks and artillery forts. Horse carriages had the same eternal problem with rasputitsa and snow to get any artillery with themselves.

The Mongols could allow themselves take only their bows and arrows and tents, you can't fight the XX century war with just handguns and lances. Already 250 years after the Mongol invasion all the khanates were conquered by Cossacks with firearms with little effort, things change.

The closest analogue would be air raiding, but German air force was already weakened by losing the Battle of Britain.

>considering the fact many sovoks forced to fight, I doubt highly
So, Stalingrad x10. Or do you presume the USSR changed its policies that much before Stalingrad? It didn't.

Anyway, you presume to have some higher yet 'basic geography knowledge' knowledge both French and German generals lacked while most likely not being even an army officer. Poor stupid generals, aye. I suggest you reconsider your uppity approach to operations planned by peoples who were actually in the army actually conquering shit successfully.

It they chose to attack the USSR that time, it means there already was no better time. Waiting till 42 would have Germany and rest of Europe raped harder that Izmail at 1790.