Bernd 12/27/2018 (Thu) 14:54:50 No.21649 del
He clearly stated why was a good idea to attack in winter here: >>21639
He didn't say it's great because the Mongols did that but because:
>Where the enemy can't dig trenches in rock hard ground, terrarian is relatively flat, you are not dependent on bridges as rivers are frozen
Hence the Mongol chose winter, hence the Germans should have done that too because regardless the military tech, they could have benefited of it.

>Soldiers on german border were very disorganized.
Nod really. The units prepared for an offensive campaign and not to be attacked. - Well if we assume Suvorov and the dude in the video is right.

>german air force depleted
>lack air superiority.
Didn't really mattered - again as playing the devil's advocate - the Russian planes consisted mostly close air support ones as typically fit for the offense, they also were deployed very close to the front on bases that fell quickly victim of the German Blitz.
This is also worthy to check. I mean the composition of Russian air forces, was it really how the dude says.