Bernd 12/28/2018 (Fri) 00:04:05 No.21687 del
>Japanese were just cowards
how so?

> Even losing to USSR in land war in 41 could give enough pressure to USSR to allow Germany to stay for more.
Even if germans win, japanese would gain too little in peace table compared to germans. Risk is too big and gain is too little.

Not to mention japanese army more fittingly designed to island hopping and controlling the coasts.

>terrible ally
They took britains south asian colonies they took hongkong, with lower materails they achieved more. Meanwhile hitler couldnt even defeat some airforce in malta and gibraltar let alone take them.

If denying allies from resource rich southeast asia doesnt help I dont know what helps them. Japan not joining axis, signing non agression treaty with USSR and focusing on allies seems better option for them. Japan still wouldnt able to beat USA especially with a move like pearl harbor but atleast they could force USA to have sensible peace treaty where japan retreats from southeast asia and china but have small citybase like hongkong along with manchuria assuming murricans dont use nuke of course.