Bernd 12/29/2018 (Sat) 20:22:44 No.21736 del
>He did not know Great Britain and France would declare war on Germany in response
Hitler was trying his best to start a war, he didn't really care much about chamberlain's appeasement policy, if they didn't decalre war, hitler would invade another country again anyway.

The foolish ones in this case are france and britain (read chamberlain) Because France not wanting another war and trusting maginot line too much cause them to not pursue a bloody war when germany invaded poland, brits didn't want to be the ones only getting their hand dirty while nobody is doing anything.

It's very predictable that, western powers who wanted to carry on the status quo would be very mad when two rising radical powers dealing with each other(molotof-ribbentrop pact) Invasion of poland just gave them legit excuse to declaration of war.