Bernd 02/06/2019 (Wed) 10:15:28 No.23040 del
(73.48 KB 650x433 stalin-icon.jpg)

Official position is pretty shady. On one side, government and Putin condemns gulags, and repressions, on other side, Stalin and his government aren't demonized, nor his enemies though (Trotsky). When I was in school, they mostly concentrated on industrialization and pre-war times, and skipped complex questions. Anti-stalinist trend started in 60s, but culminated in late 80s.

Modern Russian state tries to sit on two chairs, Soviet and Imperial, and this is eclectic and hypocritical. Society is more Soviet-oriented, because USSR destroyed most that Russian Empire had in cultural terms. Although it is fun to see commies on orthodox processions, overall it is pretty sad view.

Considering people - it depends, most of people don't hate Stalin, but it is mostly not about Stalin as is, but about modern times. Seeing how government officials rob everything and live in luxury obviously reminds about stalinist methods of fixing corruption. Stalin's popularity slowly rising in last few years because of these reasons and also because overall rise in patriotic feelings.

About other people - Kirov, Trotsky or whoever - no one cares.