Bernd 03/01/2019 (Fri) 16:59:45 No.23502 del
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5. Preparation for the sovietization of occupied territories.
This is kinda part of both the composition and equipment but it somewhat differs.
In the creation of the Soviet Union political troops played a huge role. They were equipped with heavy weaponry, armored trains, armored cars, artillery, machine guns. They fought the red fight against every class enemy the found, they were basically death squads cleansing the land from evil imperialists and capitalists, terrorizing the general populace.
After the stabilization of power the NKVD, OSNAZ and whatever troops didn't need heavy weaponry anymore, a Tokarev for executing people, otherwise just some tools for torture, pen and paper for confessions. The number of personnel was also cut back.
Then with the liberation campaigns against the Poland, Baltics and Romania the numbers grew again, they got their heavy weapons again. They done their job of cleansing, not just Poland, but all the others had their own Katyns as well. With them cadres went and were placed in the local governments.
After that they weren't dismissed and disarmed, but new units were formed. Brigades, divisions and even a corps. They got air force too. Many of their crew spoke German or had German ancestry.

6. The offensive mentality in training of the armed forces.
All branches were prepared and trained in attack and not in defense. Massive military exercises were held, all concentrated on offensive manoeuvres. Especially airborne drops and marine landings.