Bernd 03/07/2019 (Thu) 19:11:37 No.23623 del
They can always fall back to permanent revolution. Today we're helping the soc-dems. Tomorrow we'll change them to socialists, after that we'll dismiss them for communists.
They produced BTs right up to Barbarossa. Even made upgrades (on paper or irl I dunno).
Il-2 wasn't a bad plane tho - for example. It just wasn't a fighter. The lameness of weaponry is somewhat overplayed, and in case of Germany equipment the excellence is overestimated.

Here's the next point (I have to work more on the 10th):
9. Obsolescence - certain equipment and formations became obsolete with the start of Barbarossa due their offensive nature.
The previously mentioned BTs and airplanes were only good in a very particular situation. Barbarossa prevented to exploit their strength and showed their weakness. And this was the time when abandoned the development of the BTs and started to favour T-34 and heavier models.
Mechanized corps were disbanded because their use was to pierce through enemy lines during the first strike, and not holding a defensive line, holding the front together.
Political troops were also transformed into regular infantry units. On defense they weren't needed.