Bernd 04/03/2019 (Wed) 16:21:47 No.24260 del
>We all are born to listen to our parents, then teachers, media, friends etc. Does it make sense? Is it logical? We are born to this world and think everything is normal because everyone else think so. And our parents this its normal because their parents did it to.
Yes, we don't investigate for ourselves, but use that second-hand knowledge for granted.

>we arent really allowed to discover our true selves in this world
But are we capable of? That looks suspicious too. Maybe the call to find out who you are is another trick, to inspire an illusion of meaning? "I'm not the body" solves easy, because body is perceived, thus there are two: the perceiver and the body. But when the perceiver tries to perceive the perceiver, what should be perceived?

>I've read accounts on native populations where they could sit and look at a lake for hours. The modern man would think, whats the purpose of that? Whats the meaning? Does it have to have a meaning? We are so blinded by our profit system.
Sounds great!

Thank you, I'm going to watch all those through.

>Im very sceptical about reincarnation because its based on a slave system
There is a way to see life as a game (Lila), which turns both Karma and Nirvana into a joke.

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