Bernd 04/20/2019 (Sat) 11:41:30 No.24965 del
(37.17 KB 298x475 menace-ii-society.jpg)
(121.62 KB 675x1000 boyz-n-the-hood.jpg)
(400.73 KB 495x738 dont-be-a-menace.jpg)
Am watching gangsta movies. I'm going through these three in this order, Menace II Society (done), Boyz N The Hood (over the half), Straight Outta Compton. The latter I already seen last year or so, but will watch again.
Back in the '90s when the first two came out, they also shoot comedy gangsta movies too. I know about Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood which had several sequels. Maybe will try and dl that one if it's available.
So far not Menace, nor Boyz n the Hood was gripping and were only just somewhat interesting. I know SOC is fine.