Bernd 06/16/2019 (Sun) 22:15:34 No.27299 del
(180.29 KB 980x420 2r4jn1nrgk08.jpg)
Hitler visits a concentration camp and orders all inmates to be set up in line for inspection. He approaches the first one and orders:
-Jump as high as you can, Jew.
He jumps a meter high. Hitler congratulates him and says:
-Give him a loaf of bread.
He approaches the next prisoner and says:
-Jump as high as you can.
The Jew leaps two meters in the air. Hitler commends him and tells his aides:
-Give this man two loaves of bread.
He then moves to the next inmate and demands:
-Leap as high as you can, Jew.
He reaches three meters in the air. Hitler notes:
-This one can jump off the camp fence, shoot him.

How many Jews can you fit in a car? 250. 1 in the driver's seat, 4 passagers and 245 in the ashtray.

Yesterday I saw a black man in the street with an umbrella and I thought it looked very similar to mine. But then I remembered mine was cleaning my shoes back home.

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